SCEM-P: WSQ Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation Systems


Course Overview

Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) Systems are a major energy consumer in hot humid Singapore. Energy managers need a basic

knowledge of ACMV systems to run the ACMV plant and equipment.

Besides meeting the objectives of providing thermal comfort to occupants and other requirements, the energy manager must have the skills to operate the plant in an energy efficient manner.

This Course aims to integrate knowledge of thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid mechanics to analyse the operating conditions of the ACMV plant with the objective of energy optimization. Major topics discussed in

this module include occupant comfort and health, applications of refrigeration and air conditioning, vapour compression cycle, P-h diagram, coefficient of performance; selection of chillers, pumps, fans, ductwork, piping and cooling towers; psychrometrics of air conditioning processes, energy efficient design and sustainable practices, operations and maintenance. Interpretation of the relevant codes of practice listed below will also be covered.

SS 530 - Code of practice for energy efficiency standard for building services and equipment

SS 553 - Code of practice for air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation in buildings

SS 554 - Code of practice for indoor air quality for air-conditioned buildings

Participants will also be required to complete a self-directed e-learning.

Course Duration


Total Training Duration (Hour)


Certification Obtained and Conferred by

A Statement of Attainment by SSG will be downloadable at MySkillsfuture Portal after fulfilling all attendance, assignment and assessment requirements




Course Objectives

This course aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to create energy efficient and cost-effective air-conditioning mechanical and ventilation system designs.

To design energy efficient and cost-effective air-conditioning mechanical and ventilation system, learners should be able to measure and analyse energy consumption patterns, monitor how energy is used, analyse how system elements interact, and record actual energy consumption. But before they can do so, they would need to know the functions of air-conditioners and its relevant mechanical ventilation system. They also need to be keenly aware of relevant regulations and standards so that they would not breach any regulations with their designs.

Specifically, learners in the course will be able to:

  • To explain the functions and components of ACMV systems.
  • To interpret the regulatory framework used for ACMV systems.
  • To create energy efficient ACMV system designs.
  • To construct cost-effective ACMV system designs.

Funding Information

(SSG Training Grant Approved Course, available for Singaporean and PR)

* Terms & conditions apply

* View for more details on the funding schemes

Course Fee Payable
Original Fee Before GST With GST (9%)
Course Fee $900.00 $981.00
Individual Pricing (Fee payable to Training Provider) Before GST With GST (9%)
Self-Sponsored: WSQ Funding $450.00 $531.00
Self-Sponsored: WSQ Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy $270.00 $351.00
Corporate Pricing (Fee payable to Training Provider)
SME Before GST With GST (9%)
Company Sponsored: WSQ Enhanced Training Support for SMEs $270.00 $351.00
Non-SME Before GST With GST (9%)
Company-Sponsored: Non SME Companies $450.00 $531.00
Company-Sponsored: Non SME Companies for SC >40 Years Old $270.00 $351.00

Please note that prices are subjected to change.
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