Heat Transfer for Industrial Professionals

Course Overview

As part of energy conservation, heat recovery and reuse are common practices in the industrial sector. The heat recovery needs to be carried out after a thorough analysis of the waste heat streams. For carrying out or getting involved with such waste heat recovery analysis, a good understanding of the fundamental concepts of heat transfer is very important. Therefore, it is very much imperative to review and refresh the heat transfer concepts in a practical engineering perspective. This two-day course aims to help the industrial professionals to achieve a review of the important heat transfer concepts that will help to sharpen their analytical skill for their day-to-day engineering practice.

Course Duration


Total Training Duration (Hour)


Course Outline

  • Three Modes of heat transfer
  • Conduction heat transfer
  • Fourier's law of thermal conduction
  • Convection heat transfer
  • Newtons law of cooling
  • Radiation heat transfer
  • Stefan Boltzmann equation for radiation heat transfer
  • Thermal resistance
  • Convective heat transfer coefficient
  • Overall heat transfer coefficient for plane composite walls
  • Heat transfer in cylindrical coordinates
  • Overall heat transfer coefficient for pipes and tubes
  • Dimensionless Numbers
  • Waste heat recovery concept
  • Commonly used waste heat recovery devices in the industry
  • Heat exchangers
  • Types of heat exchangers
  • LMTD method for heat exchanger analysis
  • NTU – Effectiveness method for heat exchanger analysis
  • Fouling of heat exchangers

Certification Obtained and Conferred by

All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance from SEAS upon completion.

SCEM: 14 PDU Points



Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the participants should be able to develop good understanding of:

(i) Basic heat transfer concepts

(ii) Heat exchanger analysis

(iii) Commonly used heat exchangers in industrial sectors

(iv) Factors affecting the selection of the industrial heat recovery devices

(v) Energy savings and economic analysis of heat transfer applications

Medium of Instruction & Trainer

Dr. Jahangeer K. Abdul Halim graduated with a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering from National University of Singapore in 1998. He was awarded a Research Scholarship by the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1999 to undertake a research project on solar energy and was awarded a Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree in 2002.

Course Fee Payable
Original Fee Before GST With GST (9%)
Course Fee $1,200.00 $1,308.00

Standard Rate: $1,200 (Before GST)

SEAS Member: $1,080 (Before GST) [Apply SEASMEMBER10 promo code upon check out]

SCEM: $1,140 (Before GST) [Apply SCEM5 promo code upon check out]

Please apply respective promo codes upon check out if you are eligible for the above discount for SEAS Member or SCEM. For verification purposes, please provide your SCEM or SEAS Member registration number in the application form.

Please note that prices are subjected to change.
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