SCEM-P: WSQ Energy Management & Economics


Course Overview

Engineering professionals who intend to build their careers as energy managers need to understand principles related to the management and economics of energy. This module covers the setting up of energy management systems (including an introduction to ISO 50001), the formation of the energy management team and the integration of energy management systems into business practice. Also covered are Singapore's energy management policies and energy market tariff structure to enable better evaluation of supply contracts for reducing energy costs.

Participants will also learn how to evaluate financial attractiveness of energy retrofit projects using simple payback, ROI, time value of money, etc and understand the various energy performance contracting models such as guaranteed savings and shared savings. Candidates taking the EME paper are to be familiar with:

Energy Conservation Act 2012; Energy Conservation (Energy Management Practices) Regulations 2013; revised 31st May 2014

SS/ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use

Energy Market Authority – Electricity Policies and Regulations

Participants will also be required to complete a self-directed e-learning.

Course Duration


Total Training Duration (Hour)


Certification Obtained and Conferred by

A Statement of Attainment by SSG will be downloadable at MySkillsfuture Portal after fulfilling all attendance, assignment and assessment requirements




Course Objectives

Developing a demand management plan and knowing about the energy management system are important for energy efficiency investments. As energy managers, learners need to know the methodology, benchmarks, and audit procedures needed to set up an efficient energy management system. In this way, they will know what can or cannot be done as they perform their analysis and calculations for energy efficiency investment.

Learners will then be able to develop demand management plans by conducting pre-audits checks on-site and developing demand management or integrated energy solution proposals for their organisation or clients of their organisation.

In this course, learners will learn how they can

- Develop an energy management system

- Conduct economic analysis and calculate potential savings based on prevailing market prices and usage

- Design demand management plans based on energy demand and market prices

Funding Information

(SSG Training Grant Approved Course, available for Singaporean and PR)

* Terms & conditions apply

* View for more details on the funding schemes

Course Fee Payable
Original Fee Before GST With GST (9%)
Course Fee $900.00 $981.00
Individual Pricing (Fee payable to Training Provider) Before GST With GST (9%)
Self-Sponsored: WSQ Funding $450.00 $531.00
Self-Sponsored: WSQ Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy $270.00 $351.00
Corporate Pricing (Fee payable to Training Provider)
SME Before GST With GST (9%)
Company Sponsored: WSQ Enhanced Training Support for SMEs $270.00 $351.00
Non-SME Before GST With GST (9%)
Company-Sponsored: Non SME Companies $450.00 $531.00
Company-Sponsored: Non SME Companies for SC >40 Years Old $270.00 $351.00

Please note that prices are subjected to change.
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